
Cozzolino’s superior engineering team includes two schooled architects who provide value added support to architects and designers by providing detailed engineering solutions to their designs. With our technical knowledge of sophisticated hardware solutions, our engineering department can identify the best product for an application, or specify a custom hardware solution when a project has a particular unique need.

We use 2D and 3D software to develop schemes and engineer solutions in which most of these designs are processed by our CNC machine to ensure ultimate precision, optimize fabrication, and accommodate any and all design possibilities.

Cozzolino has the proven ability to install ceiling-to-floor, wall-to-wall solutions with absolutely no tolerance for error. When fabricating custom millwork for an exclusive client with exacting tastes, 1/32” of an inch counts. Our process includes precise shop drawings utilizing the latest CAD capabilities which give both architect and cabinet makers the details they need to ensure the cabinetry manufactured is perfectly in every detail. The process continues with precision field measuring, precision manufacturing, and careful installation to produce perfect results every time.